The Sun is SHINNING!!!! Tend to your body as you tend to your gardens!

PLEASE NOTE: There are construction noises happening at our clinic due to the new hospital being built across the street. This MAY affect your massage. We can offer you EAR PLUGS if needed. If this is a concern of you, please contact the clinic before booking an appointment for more details.

We look forward to TREATING you soon! Cancellation Policy is in full effect, please cancel 24 hours before or you will be charged the full fee to your credit card. To cancel an appointment, please email us at or call and leave a voicemail. Please do not “reply” to any KTMT emails as they are NOT coming through. Sorry about this.

Registered Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and joints. Massage therapy helps alleviate the soft tissue discomfort associated with everyday and occupational stresses, muscular over-use and many chronic pain conditions.

As the owner and founder of King’s Town Massage Therapy (KTMT), I have been practicing Massage Therapy since June 2008. I am in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) and I am a member of the Registered Massage Therapist Association of Ontario (RMTAO). I have earned additional training in specialized Massage Therapy techniques including Hot Stone, Ultrasound, and TENS. I have built my practice by using a variety of techniques that are specific to my clients’ needs through deep therapeutic treatments. The saying “love what you do and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” rings true to my practice.

As the owner and founder of King’s Town Massage Therapy (KTMT), I have been practicing Massage Th... Read More

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